Add a review about the church of St. Wenceslas in Ostrava

Church of St. .Václav (Kostel svateho Vaclava) is one of the main historical, cultural, religious and tourist attractions of Ostrava . The first mention of the church dates back to the end of the 13th century, however, according to one version, the construction of the church was completed already in 1267 ., in the time of the founding of the city of Ostrava . Anyway, the church really is the oldest building of the city .The modern building of the temple combines several medieval European architectural styles, among which gothic notes dominate . In many reconstructions the view of the church has been repeatedly changed: the original church in the Romanesque style of St. . Václav was reformed in the baroque style, later in the Renaissance style , and then in a gothic manner . In the vicinity of the central square . Masaryk church of St. . Vatslav, services are still held and prayer ceremonies are held . Also in the walls of the church Concerts and performances of the church choir are conducted . Anyone can freely visit the cult and oldest monument of the city, enjoy its beauty, grandeur and grandeur .

The church of St. Wenceslas - the oldest building of the city, is considered the main historical, cultural and religious the monument of Ostrava

During its existence the church of St. . Vaclav saw many devastating wars and cataclysms, but was never completely destroyed . Originally built from stone (and not from wood, as was often built The building of the church was particularly resistant, thanks to which it remained to this day . The construction of the premises is a three-temple building with adjoining chapels and chapels . The composition of the gothic tower with a spire and a cross on the top of the head completes the composition towers . The interior decoration of the temple is represented by luxurious carved columns and arched vaults . The oldest surviving original part of the temple is the presbytery with a ridge cross vault . Serious capital repair of the church was carried out from 1997 to 2004 .

The last repair work in the church was completed in December 2014

According to one of the legends, the church of St. . Vaclav was erected on the spot pagan sanctuary . In connection with this fact, a lot of mysterious stories and mystical secrets are associated with the church . So, during the reconstruction carried out in 1998 ., in the basement of the church was found a strange burial . The chest of the deceased was crushed granite slab, and in his mouth he had three coins . If you believe the legends, this is exactly how a tool in the Middle Ages people got rid of vampires and ghouls . Among other interesting facts, one can note the legend according to which Cyril and Methodius used to be at the church site . Cyril and Methodius .

Church of St. Wenceslas

Practical information

Address: Czech Republic, 70200, Ostrava, Costelnaya square

Phone: + 420-603-843-937.

Working hours of arrival: Monday, Wednesday: 10:00 - 12:00, 15: 00 - 17:00, Friday: 10:00 - 12:00.