Linkoping is a large and historically significant city due to its favorable location. At the same time, it leaves a cozy feeling for a small town. Last but not least, probably because of the low development: in Linkoping, almost no high-rise buildings were built because of the nearby Air Force airfield. But it's not boring here: the city has a university, and students fill the center of Linköping day and night. The modern motto of the city is: "Linköping is the place where ideas come true."

To the west of the center is a kind of open-air museum, Gamla Linköping (Old Linköping) and Vala Frīthismårdro. These blocks are built up with beautiful houses, mostly wooden ones, which once stood in the center. They were saved from the demolition and moved to the area, creating their own small town here

How to get to Linkoping

The nearest international airport of Skavsta accepts flights "Ryanair" and is located 100 km northeast of the city . A shuttle bus leaves from there for 1, 5 hours and stops at the main railway station . Norrkoping Airport accepts planes from Helsinki, Munich and Copenhagen; it is located 45 km . Linkoping has its own airport, but you can fly there at the best from Amsterdam and Copenhagen . It is convenient to go to Linköping by train from Stockholm: it takes 1 hour 40 minutes . In addition, you can Get here by bus "Svebus" from Stockholm (2-3 hours) Gothenburg (4 hours) and Malmö (6 hours) .

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A little history

The city was founded in the Middle Ages, at the very beginning of the 11th century, and is considered to be one of the oldest in the country and in Europe in general . The first churches appeared here in the 12th century, the Franciscan monastery - in the 13th century . At the Battle of Stognebro in 1598 g . the city held the Catholics side - and lost .This was followed by the events that the name "Linkoping Bloodbath" had in the history . In memory of them on the main square a memorial was installed . Anyway, and Linkoping remained a small town until 1937 ., when it developed sufficiently and aviation production "Saab" was formed . And today the business sector, mainly connected with aircraft building, is developed in the city and the scientific community . In 80th years . of the last century the center of industrial innovations was opened at the university, that spurred growth and development of the city and . Now more than two hundred companies are working in the technopark near the university .

Linkoping is the capital of the Swedish aircraft building: planes are only doing in this city

Entertainment, sightseeing and attractions Linköping

Two unique medieval buildings, which are preserved in Linkoping, is the cathedral and the castle .Moreover, the cathedral is also considered one of the best preserved in the country . Today it is possible to see lancet gothic towers and false arches with stone statues, as well as glass statuettes . The original church building dates back to the 12th century, and for subsequent centuries it expanded and was supplemented by the . Tower of the Cathedral received in the 19th century, its height is 107 m, and the length of the entire cathedral is 110 m . It is believed that it was in Linkoping that the first Christian bishopric appeared, while Uppsala was still pagan . The castle from the 13th century served as a resident to her bishops until the 16th century, until the Lutheran Reformation . Today the sheriff of the province of Estergötland sits in the castle . In addition, the museum is opened .

Linköping Cathedral

The Town Hall building was built for the church school the second stage in 1864. Over its entrance, one can still read the Latin saying: "Fear of the Lord is the beginning of any teaching." The town hall stands on a hill from which the main city street Storgatan descends to the main square of Stortorget and further to the Stognebro bridge across the Stognon river. This street was part of the old way, the main road in the province that connected Norrköping with Stockholm

6 things to do in Linköping:
  1. To get an organ concert in the cathedral
  2. Ride a boat on the Kinda channel.
  3. Watch a movie in the SF Bio biokinoteat at Ogatan, 39.
  4. Drive to a factory that produces excellent Chocolat "Cloetta", north of the city, in Ljungsbro. There is a shop and a small museum opened at her
  5. Visit the International Chocolate Festival at the end of February
  6. See the "ring dog"

Around the ridge of the hill there are administrative buildings, a library, a sports palace, and further to the north - a concert Hall. Collections of the old library at the cathedral contain volumes of the era even before Gutenberg. Konsthallen is located on the main square and is a modern art gallery, where many worthy objects are also located.

To the west of the center is a kind of open-air museum, Gamla Linköping (Old Linköping) and Vala Frīthismöröd . These quarters are built up with beautiful houses, mostly wooden ones, which once stood in the very center .They were saved from the demolition and moved to this area, creating their own small town . Here you can in practice get acquainted with the life of Linkoping in the 19th century . City residents gladly sometimes play this little game, dressing and working as residents of the Old cities . There are also sold local sweets and chocolate at reduced prices .

There are more than 20 museums in Gamla and Vala Fritsiddomrodo

The Swedish Air Force Museum is located in the suburbs of Malmön and has more than a hundred airplanes in its collection from the early 20th century to the present day . Including in the exposition of the museum - a DC3 aircraft that was shot down in 1952 . over the Baltic Sea during the Cold War . In 2010 . the museum was completely transformed and updated . A in Mierdevi Science Park there is another interesting museum - IT-club . Here you can find old Swedish computers, and more modern things like demonstrations of multimedia products in real time . Exhibitions are designed to reflect both technical and social aspects of computer technologies .

@ The castle and cathedral museum is dedicated to the history Linkoping as a bishopric city since the 12th century . And the museum of the province of Esterhötland, respectively, is also historical, has a large collection, including articles of ancient and contemporary art . Children will certainly be interested in visiting the technical museum "Phenomenapazinet" . Museum boats and toy cars, the largest in Scandinavia, will appeal to both children and adults . And in the Vala Gord Forest Reserve you can find a farm with the same name where the Agricultural Museum is located .

Linkoping is quite good storanov, specializing in the kitchen of Ostergotland - very useful and "vegetable". Ostergotland is a green province thanks to the plain of the same name, which also provides Linköping with fresh products. Traditional specialty here - potato pancakes with pork

"Ostergotlandsky roundabout dog" is a modern installation, an object of street art. For the first time the dog appeared in 2006, but then began to copy itself sporadically in different places. The phenomenon boiled down to the following: unknown people put a handicraft-like statue of a dog made of wooden boxes and racks, pieces of metal and old plastic containers, at the roundabouts. This trend captured the whole country, and then spread to neighboring countries - Spain, Britain.

At the same time, the very first dog appeared in Linkoping quite officially: it was made by the sculptor Stina Opits in the framework of the state-funded project for the improvement of the ring road. In this regard, the creator of the first already unofficial, "social" dog, Peter Nyberg, said that his dogs are a mockery of "artists" who are hired by the state, paying them huge money for the creation of urban sculptures so ridiculous that any citizen can make them himself .

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Linköping Neighborhood

The Stognon River flows into Lake Rocksen a few kilometers north of the city . It is also part of the Kinda Canal with the gateway system of the 19th century , by which you can arrange a scenic boat trip to other lakes further to the south . And in itself the lake is part of the Goethe Canal, one of the main attractions of the entire region . The canal was dug in 1810 . to connect the Baltic with the Atlantic in Gothenburg . Walking on it by bike, canoe or on foot - a favorite bait for tourists in . The most picturesque 6 locks in Berg on the western bank of Roxena, about 10 km from the city .

Renaissance castle of the 17th century Eckernas in Ringstorpe stands on a cliff near the Teden river. Its three towers rise up above the lake, representing a very impressive sight. During the summer season organized excursions are organized around the castle, and in the autumn "walks with ghosts" are arranged here day and night.