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The largest waterfall of the Crimean peninsula and the whole of the European part of the CIS has an unusual name - Wuchang-Su, - which in Turkic means "Flying Water" .

The natural sight is only 7 km away from Yalta, so the guests of the "city of happiness" can easily reach here to the slope of the Ai-Petri massif.

Uchan-Su appears to the tourists in the form of two silver threads falling from height 98, 5 m. The sighted beauty and power are fascinating, especially when travelers stop at n a single waterfall during the snow meltdown

The waterfall near Yalta freezes only in very severe winter days, huge icicles turn into a snow-white garland hanging from the limestone cliff. According to this fragile construction in 1980 the climber from Simferopol made an ascent, Yuri Lishaev decided to challenge nature and destiny.

With the waterfall Wuchang-Su associated many legends. One of them turned into a beautiful girl, who the dragon kidnapped, into the water that was swiftly flying from the cliff. The captive wanted to return to the people to save them from drought, it turned into water.

Mighty Wuchang-Su is surrounded by relict pines. You can come here on foot, making a tour of the house-museum of A. Chekhov. The interest of the guests of the Crimea will be caused by the road to the waterfall, decorated with majestic beeches and oaks.

 Orel Ochal-Su, Yalta  Uchan-Su waterfall
 Frozen waterfall, Yalta  Waterfall Wuchang-Su

Reviews of the Wuchang-Su waterfall (3)

Evaluation 10

Autumn waterfall Wuchang-Su - the best impression from the Crimea 05 May 2014

was here in October 2013
We managed to get to the Wuchang-Su waterfall twice: in the middle of September and the end of October. And we saw two completely different places. In September, the summer in Crimea continues and we did not see a single drop of water, but in October, after several days of rain, we finally appreciated the beautiful waterfall. You can get to the waterfall in several ways: going down one of the hiking trails with Ai-Petri, climbing on foot from the road from below or driving up to the car, and then also a little on foot. Unfortunately, the public ... Read the full review
 Uchan-Su waterfall  Uchan-Su waterfall  Uchan-Su waterfall
Evaluation 9

Falling water has a fascinating effect 04 November 2013

was here in April 2012
Many in This life is never to visit the magnificent Niagara Falls. It is located far away, on another continent, and people can get there with a certain level of income or with thinking very positive. But in such a distance and do not need to go to be inspired by a large stream of falling water. After all, not far away, in Crimea there is our miracle from the treasury of natural objects - the waterfall Uchan Su, which in some ways even surpasses Niagara's colleague. "What is Uchan Su's perplexed Niagara Falls?", ... Read the whole review
 Uchan-Su waterfall  Uchan-Su waterfall  Waterfall Wuchang-Su
Evaluation 7

Waterfall, which dries up in the summer October 28, 2013

was here in August 2012
Wuhan Su waterfall I saw twice. For the first time it was during a pilot raid to the Crimea, the second stay took place last year during the Crimean autotour.
We were told by the guide that according to the height of the fall of water, which is close to a hundred meters, this waterfall surpasses even the famous Niagara. However, the American "colleague" of the waterfall Uchan Su is much more sweeping, voluminous and entertaining.
But for the first time we celebrated the presence of the Wuchang Su waterfall in the dry summer period, therefore ... Read the full review
 Wuchang-Su Waterfall  Uchan-Su waterfall  Uchan-Su waterfall  Uchan-Su waterfall