Add a review about the Sudak (Genoese) fortress

Over the steep cliffs on Mount Krepostnaya towers the stone Genoese fortress, the pride of Sudak, its business card and the priceless pearl . Today its greatness attracts tourist crowds, but hundreds of years ago the appearance of the citadel played a secondary role . At the forefront in those days came out its fortification properties, and I must say, it perfectly performed its tasks . Thanks to its successful location and powerful defensive fortifications Sudak C The site was considered almost impregnable . In addition, it was protected by steep mountain slopes and the then existing artificial pit .

There are several legends about the history of the fortress, one of which tells about the construction in 212, but still The plausibility of this variant is not confirmed by facts. More popular is the view that the fortress appeared in the late 7th century, and the Khazars or Byzantines founded it. The main part of the structures and walls that reached us is attributed to the experienced Genoese who built the citadel from 1371 to 1469

Over the steep cliffs on the mountain fortress the stone Genoese fortress towers, the pride of Sudak, its business card and the priceless pearl

Time and The wars have not spared the Sudak fortress, to this day it has survived only partially. The main gate, 12 towers, the mosque temple, the Temple of the Twelve Apostles, the warehouse and the ruins of the barracks testify to its former power and greatness.

Useful information

Find the fortress will not be difficult, even if you were in Sudak for the first time, because it is visible from any part of the city. To get to the fortress, you can use public transport: a trolleybus № 1 (Dachnoye - Cozy) or a suburban trolley bus № 5 (Sudak - Novy Svet).

On your personal car from the bus station you need to go on the street. Guards, Str. October, then on the street. Lenin, which, going to the Tourist Highway, will lead you directly to the fortress. And finally, lovers of walking on foot from the bus station will reach the Sudak fortress in about 30-40 minutes.

You can go to the Sudak fortress through the main gate. The entrance is paid, cash desks are on the next street Genoese Fortress. Entrance: 300 RUB, for children: RUB 150.

For sightseeing you can join the excursion group or take a stroll through the fortifications yourself. Benefits throughout the territory of the reserve are marked with detailed information about the facilities

From the observation platforms located almost at the edge, incredible views of the Pike and surrounding mountains open. The spectacle is really unforgettable and inspiring.

Working hours: Monday - Sunday: 9:00 to 21:00 (in spring and summer), from 10:00 to 18:00 (autumn and winter).

Sudak . Genoese fortress

What to see

In the building of the former temple-mosque the museum of the reserve "Sudak fortress" was opened, in the halls of which valuable archaeological finds are collected. Here you can find ancient coins, amphoras, ancient ornaments and all kinds of works of art.

The rare chance to plunge into the medieval atmosphere and participate in improvised battles is given to the participants of the knight festival "Genoese helmet", which is held annually in the fortress.

For the period of the festival the cost of admission tickets increases significantly, but the spectacle is worth the money and time.

The prices are indicated for October 2014

 Sudak (Genoese) fortress  Sudak (Genoese) fortress
Sudak (Genoese) fortress
 Walls, Sudak (Genoese) fortress  Sudak (Genoese) fortress
Walls, Sudak (Genoese) fortress
 View of the Sudak (Genoese) fortress  Sudak (Genoese) fortress
View of the Sudak (Genoese) fortress