The comparatively small capital of the Chilean region of Tarapaca Iquique on its fragile shoulders easily carries the title of the main fishing port of the country. It does not forget to take care of the comfort of tourists, rushing to its picturesque beaches, popular among which are Playa Huayquique, Playa Blanca and Playa de Brava. It happens either because of the purest water, the temperature of which is year-round warm and varies from 16 to 20 ° C, or because of a pleasant sea breeze, refreshing and invigorating.

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How to get there

In Iquique, the airlines fly daily Lan Chile from the capital of Chile, the route will take 2 hours and 15 minutes

Search for tickets to Santiago (the nearest IKIK airport)


And of course, to keep from temptation to look into the biggest in South America Franco a zone occupying all 240 hectares of warehouse space in the northern part of the city of Iquique is impossible and not worth it. The free shopping area "Sofri" is located in the large shopping center Sona Franca de Iquique and the goods here are cheaper by 19 percent. True, there is a limit on purchases: you can spend no more than $ 1000 per person

Trip to Iquique

Entertainment, excursions and attractions Ikique

The main attraction of the guests is the street of Bakedano, in the Peruvian period of the city's history called Huancavelica and which is still the main promenade of Ikike. The houses surrounding the promenade are built of Oregon pine wood, consonant with ornate verandahs, balustrades, window carvings, lancet columns.

Pearl of the city - the air s Palace of Astorec where the Museum of the Epoch and the Department of Arturo Prata University are currently located
2 things I should do in Iquique
  1. Ran into the Atacama Desert on mountain bikes or on foot. The tour will cost $ 80.
  2. Iquique is also a tourist transit point for visiting the giant saltworks Humberstone and Santa Laura located in the region of Tarapaca in northern Chile. Before them it is necessary to move 48 km east of Iquique. Now the production is on them, and the monumental buildings that keep bright marks of the uneasy history of this region are turned into national monuments and are open for tourism.


In addition to natural beauties, the guests of the city will be able to saturate their program with hikes to Iquique museums, storing in their halls all the details of the historical development of Chile's mining industry. For example, the Regional Museum, which can be found in the former court building, presents visitors to the traditional village of Altiplano, alcoholic fruits of animals at different stages of development, closed by the death masks of the Chinchorro mummy and the elongated Tiwanaku skull

Another historical delicacy is located in building customs. Now there for the meter walls you can find the halls of the Maritime Museum.