The second largest city in Chile, Concepcion boasts a population of 900 thousand people. It is the city of students and the capital of Chilean rock; old, but has become new due to numerous natural disasters. Young people come here to learn Spanish: there are excellent weather in Concepción, friendly people and a lot of educational institutions

Every year the gallery attracts about 75 thousand visitors: it houses the largest collection of objects of Chilean art in the country after the capital - about 1800 works. One of the most notable is the mural "Developing Latin America."

How to get to Concepción

You can get to Concepcion by air, but it's more interesting to drive here by car, along the famous route No.5 "North-South", which connects Santiago with Chillan (about 5 hours drive) . Behind Chillan begins Route 152, "Autopista del Itata", which need to drive about an hour . Bus connection links Concepción with Santiago, flights every half hour . By the way, it is generally the fastest type of public transport in Chile: unlike Europe Chilean trains are a little scary, and the journey to them can take 2-3 times longer . Express bus, for example, EME, you will go to Concepcion no more than 6 hours .

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A little history

The city was founded in 1550 to the north of River Bio-Bio, in a place that today is known as Penco. Repeatedly Concepcion destroyed earthquakes and tsunamis. After 1751, the city was decided to move away from the sea, to its present location in the valley of the Urcha. In 1919, it opened a university, which became the first private university in the country. And in the nearest harbor of Talcahuano, the largest naval base in the country has been constructed so far.

Chile is a seismically dangerous country, and Concepción is no exception. In 1939, the earthquake destroyed most of the city, in 1953 - about 15% of urban development. In 2010 in the city there was an earthquake in 8, 8 points, which destroyed a huge number of buildings. Many people have been injured and prisoners have escaped from the partially destroyed prison

Fun, sightseeing and sightseeing of Concepción

Alas, many ancient buildings, such as the beautiful cathedral of the city, have been destroyed by numerous natural disasters, and today the historical heritage of Concepcion hardly - barely traced in the few surviving . City Center is built up mainly by the buildings of the German architectural school of the first third of the 20th century - the Bauhaus . After the cataclysms, the reconstruction works Concepcion was engaged in a lot of German architects: both living in Chile, and invited . A major city attractions relate mainly to the new time . But they are worth attention; and even the neighborhood of the city - especially .

Views of Concepción

The cathedral of Santissima Concepción, which faces the Independence Square, was built after the destruction of the old cathedral, but was officially opened only in 1964. It is a small neo-Romanesque noble temple outlines and a restrained-gray color. Its interior also deserves attention: here you can see the Venetian enamel of the 17th century, the filigree crucifixion of ivory and several other valuable objects. A religious art museum was opened at the cathedral.

At the military base in Talcahuano moored "Huascar", a ship that was captured during the Pacific War with Chile. It is a symbol of Chilean national pride and, according to some estimates, the oldest of the floating means, which is still on the water, in the world. Now the museum is equipped with a museum

3 things to do in Concepción:
  1. Take a walk along Cape Hualpen, reaching the white sand beach of Ramuncio
  2. Order a traditional Pisco Saur cocktail in one of the many city bars . Those interested can also confine themselves to beer from the south of the country once inhabited by the Germans.
  3. Visit the coastal town of Tome, which is half an hour by bus from the center: here is a superb beach.

Concepcion is a student city: it has three state and dozens of private universities; a dozen more professional institutions and countless higher schools. Naturally, the city is full of young people from all over the country and from abroad. Thanks to this it is easy to explain in English. The University of Concepción is located in a large beautiful garden, and it is distinguished by a tall and slender clock tower.

A separate visit is the Pinakothek on the campus of the University - the City Art Museum, "Casa del Arte" . It is located at the corner of Chacabuco and Larenas, leaving the facade on the Peru square . The building itself is rather interesting, it is distinguished by a beautiful facade of Art Nouveau and neoclassical back part (the result of the 1960 earthquake .) . Every year the gallery attracts about 75 thousand . visitors: large in the country after the capitals a collection of objects of Chilean art - about 1800 works . One of the most notable is the mural "The Development of Latin America" ​​by Mexican artist Jorge Gonzalez Camarini, created in 1964-1965 . This is a huge wall painting with an area of ​​about 300 sq m . m, executed by acrylic . Amazing work was recognized by the state as a national landmark of Chile .

Collective taxis "collectivist" - Chilean analogue of our minibuses

Those who are interested in shopping can be advised to come to the mall "Plaza Trebol", that on the highway to Tal ahuano . This is a huge shopping and entertainment center of the North American type, which can be reached by bus from the city center or by a collective taxi . Its reduced version, the Plaza Mirador Bio-Bio, is located within the city limits, on Los Carrera Street . The third major mall, and also in the center, so called - "Mall del Centro" . The best souvenirs with urban themes can be bought in "El Pueblito" and "Extravaganza Artesanal del Biot Bio" , they are in one block in the center of the city . Finally, in Concepción there is "Galleria" - a lot of variety various arcade shops that stretch along Barros Aran and Maipu near Independence Square (Oruzheynaya) . Here you can find a lot of shops with clothes of mediocre quality, but also the corresponding cost: they are very popular with local .

Fans of Mediterranean resorts "Vaiya'c Giros" institution is pleasant: as it is easy to understand from the name, Greek analogues of shawarma and salads are prepared in this diner. Also a good place to snack unattractively is the central city market: there are a lot of small restaurants where good quality seafood and other Chilean dishes are served.

Concepción is a fairly safe city, although, as everywhere in the cities, there are quite a few pickpockets here. Nevertheless, do not look into the areas of the port of Talcahuano and Hulapena in the evening, especially in the weekend. In addition, tourists are advised to refrain from discussing the political history of Chile in recent decades: do not mention in the conversation Pinochet and Allende, Chileans can take these topics very nervously.

Pedro del Rio-Zanyartu Park is located 10 minutes drive from the city center, and this is the best place in Concepción to admire the sunset . You can get here only by car or by taxi, to the Hualphen Museum, from which you walk about 3 km to the beach . But here you will see a beautiful, peaceful view of the mouth of the Bio River -Bio, there, de it flows into the Pacific Ocean and the stunning coastline with black sand . itself a museum in the park is also quite interesting: it contains a variety of archaeological and historical artifacts, as well as natural wonders .

Another good place for recreation - the park Ecuador, elongated strip of greenery, which stretches at the foot of the hill of Karakol. Having risen on one of the two avenues (they continue the streets of Kaupolikan and Tukapel), you will find yourself on a viewing platform from which you can enjoy wonderful views of the city.

Book popular Concepción hotels at the best prices

Sonesta Hotel Concepcion from 6 642 rubles Concepción Calle A No. 809 Brisas Del Sol Radisson Petra Concepcion from 5 227 rubles Concepción Autopista Talcahuano - Concepción 8676
Holiday Inn Express Concepcion from 5,289 rubles Concepción Av. San Andres, 38 Hotel El Araucano from 4,428 rubles Concepción Caupolican 521 Ibis Concepcion from 3,260 rubles Concepción Av San Andres 37
Hotel Alonso de Ercilla from 4 551 rubles Concepción Colo Colo 334 Hotel Romano from 3 198 rubles Concepción Barros Arana 780 PISO 7 Hotel Mosul from 3 321 rubles Concepción Avda. Jorge alessandri, 3635

Surroundings of Concepcion

40 km south of Concepcion is the ancient mining town of Lot, where you can take a descent into an old coal mine with a guide. And near Lot is Chisilingo, the first power station in Chile. Today a good museum is opened here, where it is interesting to look at old flywheels and other stim-punk accessories; and there is a picnic area on site.

From Concepcion it is convenient to take a trip to Alto Bio-Bio, in the Andes. Travel companies organize such trips "on a turn-key basis" - with guides, food, overnight stays, acquaintance with local residents and inspection of huts and corrals. But you can do all the same on your own.