Arica is sometimes called the "northern gateway to Chile": it is only 20 km from the border with Peru. And yet - the city of eternal spring, because, unlike other cities, where almost never rains, there is no too hot. Arica is a quiet, peaceful, safe place with stunning surroundings, rich history, good beaches and sun in the truest sense of the word all year round. Probably, the city itself will not seem particularly interesting, but the fans of active sports and wildlife are waiting for a lot of fun.

From Arika it is most convenient to go on a tour to Chungara, one of the highest in the mountains lakes in the world. It is located at 4860 m above sea level. The lake is located on the territory of the Lauka National Park, which in itself is already a good reason to go to Chile altogether.

How to get to Arica

You can get to Arica by one of the many buses that come here from Bolivia, Pas, Cochabamba and Oruro (with transfer). However, the city has an international airport that accepts flights from Iquique, Santiago de Chile and La Paz; It is located about 19 km from Arica and just a kilometer from the Peruvian border.

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A bit of history

The first people appeared in these places more than 10 thousand . years ago . Here lived the most diverse tribes up to the appearance of the Spaniards in the first half of the 16th century, which, in fact, founded Arica as a city . When silver was found on the territory of present Bolivia, mouth Arica, which was the impetus to the rapid development of the city . In the 17th century Arica was considered the southernmost known city in the world . She fell in love with the pirates . At the end of the 19th century the Chileans beat Arica away from the Peruvians, but for a long time the status of the city remained shaky: it was only in 1929, ., not without US help, the city was officially assigned to Chile .

Arica - one of the driest cities (and in general places) on the planet. The rain comes here every few decades.

Arica is located in an earthquake-prone area, on the Peruvian-Chilean tectonic fault. Natural cataclysms are not uncommon here. In 1868, near Arica, there was an epicenter of a powerful earthquake of 8-9 points, in which many residents died, and the city itself was pretty ruined.

Entertainment, excursions and attractions Ariki

One of the main attractions of the city - The Cathedral of Saint-Marcos. It is unique in that it is built of reinforced concrete: it becomes more understandable, given that the cathedral was built by the notorious Gustav Eiffel. The church was completed in 1876 and today is attributed to national monuments. The only non-metallic part of it is the wooden entrance doors


Around the same time, Eiffel also built the building of Aduana, the current House of Culture, originally intended for customs. The building has survived in several earthquakes and tsunamis and is also considered a national monument. This is a small but bright building with contrasting white and red stripes

The second landmark that can not be ignored in Arica is El Morro hill, a 130-meter cliff with an excellent viewing platform on top . There is also a military Museum dedicated to the events of the Pacific War of the late 19th century, and the History Museum .In addition, at the top of the hill, the Peruvian trenches were preserved . At the end of the 20th century, a monument of "Cristo de la Paz" was erected here, on which it is possible to see the arms of both countries, so long at war . The footpath leads from here, at the southern end of the Colon street, and climb to the top can be minutes for 10 .

The central square of the city is named after Christopher Columbus - Plaza de Colon. This is the heart of Arica, where all the main holidays and events take place. And the main shopping street of the city - st. May 21st. Handmade goods can be bought at Feria Sangra.

3 things to do in Arica:
  1. See the world's largest Coca-Cola logo on the hill. Its width is more than 120 m, it is made of 70 thousand bottles of soda.
  2. Try the unique Asap olives: violet and with a bitter smell. To take as a souvenir and a bottle of oil from them, differing not in Mediterranean taste.
  3. Come on Sunday to Chakabuko Street, which turns into a market. Here you can buy anything from souvenirs to second-hand clothes, as well as local delicacies and drinks.

In Arica is the curious museum of Mar, where you can see snails of more than 700 different species that live not only in the country, but also Worldwide. In addition, the museum has an aquarium with a mini-ecosystem of the ocean. Another interesting museum is San Miguel de Asapa, whose collection contains many archaeological finds and artifacts that testify to the inhabitation of this place in prehistoric times.

The second casino that has appeared in the country is still functioning in the city. It was opened in 1960, and it is still possible to play at one of the 16 tables, drink a prize in one of the three bars, or be comforted after losing in one of the three restaurants.

Of course, Arica is rich not only in cultural and historical a legacy: here the stunning beaches . Even in the 19th century this area was considered unhealthy because of malarial ponds, but then they were drained . Now Ariku is considered a full-fledged seaside resort, especially popular among surfers . Beaches stretch along the coastline more than 20 km . Beaches north of the city is good suitable for novice surfers, and to the south of El Morro, more advanced athletes skate . Also the best beaches for swimming are located to the north . In the winter it is rather cold to swim, but what Russian will it stop?

Surroundings of Ariki

From Arica it is most convenient to go on a tour to Chungara, one of the highest situated in the mountains of lakes in the world . It is located at 4860 m above sea level, about 160 km from Arica, near the Bolivian border , near Kasiri-Macho . The lake is located in the territory of the Lauka National Park, which in itself is reason enough to go to Chile altogether. . On the harsh slopes of the mountains, which need to climb to the lake, nothing grows, the road leads through the gorges and barren plains, and around the volcanoes rush . However, the lake is surrounded by greenery, a number of sparsely populated villages are nearby, and wildlife is rampant: there you can see a lot of species of animals and birds . Organize one-day organized excursions from the city to the lake, but their program does not take more than 3 hours to visit the park The rest of the time is taken by the road) .

A bit closer to the lake, about 125 km from Arica, there is the place Putre . It was founded by the Spaniards in the 16th century, and until now the reconstructed church and several buildings of that time have been preserved in the village . Here there are hardly 1500 inhabitants , but it is an excellent base camp for exploring the national park on its own . The mountain streams rumble around the village, the major grows considered to be the best in the country, and behind it all the volcanoes rise . It is necessary to go from here to salt lakes with flamingo flocks , vicun E, Martian landscapes and hot springs for bathing and mud baths .

Book popular hotels in Arica at the best prices

Panamericana Hotel Arica from 11 684 rubles. Arica Av. Comandante San Martín 599
Chinchorro Suites Hotel Lodge from 5 535 rubles Arica Luis Beretta Porcel 2948
Hotel Diego De Almagro Arica from 7 380 rub Arica Ingeniero Raul Pey Casado 3105 Hotel Del Valle Azapa from 5 658 rubles Arica Camino Azapa 3221 Hotel Samaña from 2 645 rubles Arica Maipu 271
Hotel Plaza Colon from 2 460 rubles Arica San Marcos 261

Asapa Valley

Asapa Valley, a kind of green oasis, is located much closer to the city than a wonderful lake. The valley is compacted by two bare hills, and along it runs a seasonally drying river San Jose. Asapa begins three kilometers from the city, and here it is worth to go for a unique climate and a huge variety of fruits and vegetables that are ripening here all year round. And it's not to mention the specific local olives, the pride of the region.

In addition, there are several interesting settlements in the valley . Perhaps the most attractive of them for tourists is Parinacota, a spa town in the Andes and at the same time a city of artisans . Here you can see (and buy) a huge number of handicraft items made of stone and wood, replicas of archaeological finds, ceramics, textiles, clothing, metal utensils and sculptures . Plus, it is in Parinacota that the famous restaurant in the region The Inn, where you can taste typical Chilean dishes . And near the town there is Chunyo hill with many petroglyphs and Acha gorge with geoglyphs and places of prehistoric sites .

Another interesting place in the valley is Cerro-Sombrero ( "Hill-hat"). Here, too, were found geoglyphs, and the slope of the hill once clung to the Indian village of the pre-Hispanic period: historians claim that half a thousand houses stood here about 3000-3500 years ago. Finally, it is worth visiting the town of San Miguel de Asapa (12 km from Arica), where you can visit the interesting archaeological museum. It exhibits the mummies of Chinchorro - a prehistoric civilization, one of the first on the planet to start mummifying the dead.