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The Palace Embankment can be called one of the most beautiful and famous embankments of St. Petersburg. It is here that the famous sights of the Northern Capital are located: the Hermitage, the Winter Palace, the Russian Museum, the House of Scientists and many others. This street offers an excellent view of the Spit of Vasilievsky Island and the Peter and Paul Fortress. The Palace Embankment is located on the left bank of the Neva from the Kutuzov Embankment and to the Admiralteiskaya Embankment. Its length is 1300 meters.

On the Palace Embankment are the world famous sights of the Northern Capital: the Hermitage, the Winter Palace, the Russian Museum, the House of Scientists and many others. This street offers an excellent view of the Spit of the Vasilyevsky Island and the Peter and Paul Fortress.

The Palace Embankment began to be built up quite early - at the very beginning of the 18th century. The architectural tone of the buildings was set by the summer and winter residences of Peter I. People close to the tsar also began to build their houses on this land. In 1705 the first wooden house of General-Admiral Fyodor Apraksin appeared. The building identified the red line of the street, and all other buildings began to be constructed according to this line.

Palace Embankment in St. Petersburg

The Palace Embankment had many names: Cash Line, Embankment Upper Stone Line, Millionnaya. Often it was called Postova because of the fact that the Post Court was located here. In 1762, architect Rastrelli built here the royal residence - the Winter Palace. After that, the embankment, the square and the bridge, located nearby, began to be called palace. Even under Soviet rule, the street was renamed the quay of the Ninth of January. But in 1944, the old name was returned to her.

To use the main part of the Alexander Column, which weighed 600 tons, we used a special berth on the Dvortsovaya Embankment. Engineer Glasin developed a special bot, capable of lifting loads up to 1,100 tons. In order to unload the monolith, they even built a new wharf.

Gradually, the embankment was getting better and better: it was dressed in granite and made convenient descents to the river . By the way, until the middle of the 18th century, all the Petersburg embankments were wooden . Dvortsovaya the embankment became the first stone street . Nevertheless in the 1920s the territory around the Winter Palace remained untroubled . Here the construction of the General Staff building was planned, and therefore there were working materials, piles of sand and boards everywhere, as well as all kinds of frets and barns . Nicholas I commissioned the architect Carlo Rossi bring it in order . Rossi has developed a draft of a beautiful descent to Neva, decorated with sculptures of lions and Dioscuri . But the emperor is not impressed with the sculptures of young men, restraining their horses, so they were replaced by porphyry vases . Subsequently, in connection with the construction of the Palace of the bridge pier with lions moved to the Admiralty embankment .

Palace embankment always been famous for the fact that here lived famous and influential people: the Romanov dynasty, poet Ivan Krylov, Count Sergei Itte.

 Palace Embankment at night, St. Petersburg Palace Embankment  Palace Embankment Palace Embankment
 Palace Embankment at night House of Scientists, Palace Embankment, Saint-Petersburg  Palace embankment Palace embankment
Palace embankment House of scientists, Palace embankment
 Winter Palace, Palace embankment, St. Petersburg Palace embankment  Dvortsovaya Embankment
Winter Palace, Dvortsovaya Embankment
 Marble vorets, Palace Embankment, St. Petersburg Palace Embankment  Palace Embankment Palace Embankment
Palace Embankment Marble Palace, Palace Embankment
 Hermitage Theater, Palace Embankment, Saint-Petersburg  Palace embankment Palace embankment
Palace embankment Hermitage theater, the Palace embankment

Reviews of Palace embankment (1) Evaluation

10 10 10

The most beautiful and famous embankment of St. Petersburg May 13, 2014

was here in August 2012
I dreamed of going to St. Petersburg from early childhood, when in school at the lessons of history we passed the era of Peter the Great. The dream came true in August 2012, when I went with my sister and mother to a guided tour for 2 weeks in St. Petersburg. I want to say at once that there are places in St. Petersburg that any traveler probably visits more than once. This Nevsky Prospekt, Palace Square and Palace Embankment. It is on the Palace Embankment that the famous Winter Palace is located ... Read full review
 Dvortsovaya Embankment  Dvortsovaya Embankment  Dvortsovaya Embankment  Dvortsovaya Embankment